Friday, November 6, 2009

Wakin' Up Is Hard To Do...The Recovery

Well, as promised here is the sequel to the knee surgery story. The Recovery Room are as I call it "Wakin' Up Is Hard To Do!". As I mentioned in my previous blog I was in the operating room and the nurse was trying to introduce me to everyone including the sales rep from the knee replacement company. I guess this is just the ugly part of a sales reps job! I don't remember much after that except when I was waking up in recovery. Whatever they give you for a general anesthesia it is some pretty powerful amazing stuff. It is like you are suspended in time. You start to come out of it 2 or 3 hours later and you don't remember a thing, for a few seconds you wonder where am I or who am I for that matter.

As I awoke there was some guy with an accent from India saying, "Ok, Ronald calm down! You are now waking up! The worst is over. Do you feel pain?" As best I could coming out from the surgery ambush and drugged up feeling I slurred, "Oh, Yeessssssss, it hurts soooo bad! What are you doing?" I asked the gentleman who now had his hands deeply planted in my groin with some type of an instrument. He said,"I am going to give you something for your pain that will last 18-24 hours but you need to tell me do you feel this?". As he spoke I felt a nerve jump from my upper thigh all the way down to my ankel. As I said yes, yes, yes, he poked a needle into the nerve with some type of drug. He then reached around under the covers to the back of my leg and did the same thing. Again, after making my leg jump off the gurney when he hit the nerve he stuck in another needle with a drug. I don't know who that man was but for those few seconds he was my worst enemy, but when he walked away and my leg had absoulutely no feeling he soon became my best friend!

Time is not even of the essence on your day of surgery because you have no concept of it with the drugs. I do remember waking up a little as they pushed me into a room. I then remembered the cute little nurse who gave me my pain button so I could give myself morphine for the pain when ever it began to hurt. Which as soon as the leg numbing meds wore off. I was greatful for my pain pump! The first day I could not wake up, I hardly ate anything they brought me and just wanted to sleep all day.

Afer 4 days in the hospital I returned home. I am pleased to say that as someone told me before I went in for surgery that every 24 hours after surgery will get better. Kudos to whoever told me that because you were absolutely right! I have had good days and bad days but as far as I can tell I am moving down the road to recovery. Graduating from a walker to a cane and as of earlier this week I was told I can start to drive again and return to work by end of November. The new bionic knee is here to stay and I can't wait to show it off with pride. Everybody dance now!

Check out my doctors and nurses in the recovery room...


  1. Ron I am so glad you are better and doing well. I just want to say being new to your blog.....I Love IT!! I now know if I need a laugh just where to go. I always knew you were funny just now HOW funny. don't stop writing and you may want to continue thinking about that book!
    God Bless and continued good health.
    Always a friend,

  2. Love the blog about waking up is hard to do..... however, not so hard, when you have a beautiful wife to look at when you awaken! Right?? Right!

    Your wife,
