Friday, October 30, 2009

Socks Without Partners

As I fast approach the age of 50 one thing that has puzzled me all my life is where do my socks go? Of course I know they go on my feet, but what happens when you take them off? I put both socks in the clothes hamper expecting them to get washed, come back together and smelling fresh. Not much to expect from a pair of socks. The operative word here is "pair"! They went together into the laundry but did not make it back together.I have been through a lot of socks in my life, a mother and 2 different wives, but the results are always the same. Some come back together, some come back all alone. Where do they go? What do they do? And sometimes suddenly an old friend returns to find his mate in my sock drawer and I can use them again. Just this morning I grabbed one sock and couldn't find the other I swore I had 2 but one somehow got away from me. It's easy to segregate the white socks, they are the ones you buy like 12 pair at a time. With 24 socks that all look the same it's fairly easy to keep 2 of them together. You can mix and match and no one knows the difference.But the dress socks are another story I have some with gold toes that are navy blue, some that have gold toes and are black! Very hard to tell apart, but when you are in the light of day it stands out like a sore thumb. Then there's my socks with little designs that go up and down the socks, some have little patterns, some have diamonds, some have circles, some have dashes. They're black and they're blue just to keep you on your toes! Pardon the pun. They are always going out on me, like a spouse cheeting on their mate and then later they show back up again.I guess I will always wonder where do socks go. It's one of those strange things in life you can never quite put your finger on. Think of me the next time you put your socks on...and you'll see what I mean sometimes socks have feet of their own!

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